Inspiring Words from an Amazing Author

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A Passion For God's Word

With God, as the ultimate authority, or author, this book will enlighten many, teach others, and spiritually nourish those who are underfed. God loves you, and will lead the right way.


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"Our Spiritual Responsibility Unfolded"

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Amazon presently sells "Our Spiritual Responsibility Unfolded" The book has received positive reviews from readers who find it to be inspiring and motivating. You can order your book right away if you're ready to take your spiritual growth to the next level.

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Fill Your Spiritual Bank

Regularly and consistently reading the Bible offers several advantages. The Bible first reveals God's nature and his revelation of himself to his people. We may clearly perceive God's holy, constant, dependable, gracious, and loving nature in every chapter of "God and Choice and Life or Death."


About The Author

Meet Ellen K. Gordon

Used in the office of the prophet, Ellen shares edification, exhortation, and comfort with everyone she meets. She uses her writing instincts and sound insight into the Word of God to teach, enlighten, educate and inform. Ellen has been assigned by God to engage in prophetic writing or prophecy interpretation for present and future generations.

Ellen believes that our inner will for our lives results in the choices we all make for ourselves. Upon recognition of our true selves, which is a spirit inside of a body, and the acknowledgment of the greater Spirit that is connected to allows us to choose life at all times. Sustained by God's self-existent life, we are eternal beings with the ability to be free-will agents that allow us to always choose.

Ellen has been married for forty-two years to her husband James. She has two sons, one daughter-in-law and four grandchildren. She resides in metro Atlanta.

Ellen K. Gordon Picture

Finding God

Each of us spends our entire lives seeking God. However, a lot of the time our deepest aspirations—for significance, love, and meaning—lead us away from our Creator and the unique individuals he created in place of them. Let "God And Choice and Life or Death" inspire you to continue your journey and dive deep in to God's Word.

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When your spirit (heart) is disciplined toward God, your soul wills your body to follow through.

I define this choice as an established, intangible mechanism at the core of our being, which our will for our lives through the spoken word of our mouths activates. This choice is sometimes ignored and/or unrecognized; however, it is always present and available to us. Its purpose is to deliver us (our spirit man) into the hands of freedom, a place within us where we are always safe, where we are sane, and where we recognize the greatness that is within us through Christ Jesus, our Lord. This is not the freedom of footloose, wild, and fancy free, but it is the freedom of kings and priests. Its freedom enables our responsible right to us. We understand that God is responsible and the only right (Deut. 32:4), and only through Him can anyone obtain rights. No one has the right or God on his side to do anything unless it is through Him. This is the basis of truth. In John 8:31-32, Jesus said, "If you continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" First, He instructs us to continue. We cannot pick up the Word of God and put it down with yet still the expectation of receiving what it says. Our continuance in the Word is the key to our forthcoming knowledge and revelation. Jesus said, "Then are ye my disciples indeed" Disciples are disciplined ones that recognize the order of God and will themselves to carry it out. These orders carried out are the physical evidence of the disciplined spirits, willed from the soul (mind).

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With God's Guidance

Do not rely on your own understanding; instead, put your complete trust in the Lord. Recognize him in all of your actions, and he will make your routes clear. When presented with a choice, a Christian should first seek God's guidance.

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Only With God's Cooperation

This is the freedom of kings and priests, not the footloose, wild, and fancy free variety. Our ethical right is made possible by this freedom. We are aware that only God—who is responsible and the source of all rights—can grant rights to anybody. Nobody has the authority or God's support to do anything unless it is done in cooperation with Him. 


Frequently Asked Questions

  • God and Choice and Life or Death

    Ellen K. Gordon defines this choice as an established, intangible mechanism at the core of our being, which our will for our lives through the spoken word of our mouths has activated. This choice is sometimes ignored and/or unrecognized; however, it is always present and available to us. Its purpose is to deliver us (our spirit man) into the hands of freedom, a place within us where we are always safe, where we are sane, and where we recognize the greatness that is within us through Christ Jesus, our Lord.


    This is not the freedom of footloose, wild, and fancy free, but it is the freedom of kings and priests. This freedom enables our responsible right. We understand that God is responsible and the only right (Deut. 32:4), and only through Him can anyone obtain rights. No one has the right or God on his side to do anything unless it is through Him. This is the basis of truth. In John 8:31–32, Jesus said, “If you continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


    First, He instructs us to continue. We cannot pick up the Word of God and put it down with yet still the expectation of receiving what it says. Our continuance in the Word is the key to our forthcoming knowledge and revelation. Jesus said, “Then are ye my disciples indeed.” Disciples are disciplined ones that recognize the order of God and will themselves to carry it out. These orders carried out are the physical evidence of the disciplined spirits, willed from the soul (mind). This is the order of God. When your spirit (heart) is disciplined toward God, your soul wills your body to follow through

  • What is the best way to contact Ellen K. Gordon

    It is recommended you contact Ellen K. Gordon via her email at for the best results, or use the contact us form on this website.

  • Why did Ellen write "God And Choice and Life or Death"?"

    This decision, in my definition, is an established, intangible process at the center of who we are that is triggered by the spoken word of our mouths, which expresses our intention for our lives. Although it is occasionally disregarded and/or unacknowledged, this option is always available to us. Its goal is to free us (our spirit man), allowing us to live in a state of safety and sanity where we may see the greatness that is present in us because of Christ Jesus, our Lord. This is the freedom of kings and priests, not the footloose, wild, and fancy free variety. Its freedom makes it possible for us to act responsibly. We are aware that only God—who is responsible and the source of all rights—can grant rights to anybody (Deut. 32:4). Nobody has the authority or God's support to do anything unless it is done in cooperation with Him. The foundation of truth is this. According to Jesus' words in John 8:31–32, "If you continue in my word, then you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." He gives us the go-ahead to proceed first. The Bible cannot be picked up and set down while we still hope to be given what it says. The secret to our impending understanding and revelation is our continued study of the Word. Then you are truly my disciples, Jesus remarked. Disciples are self-disciplined people who acknowledge God's order and will themselves to follow it. These commands being followed are the tangible results of the disciplined spirits, which are willed from the soul (mind). God has ordained this. Your soul wills your body to obey when your spirit (heart) is disciplined toward God.

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